
A couple of things to get off my chest...

I'm liking that new song by Bobby Valentino, "Slow Down"...yeah stupid lyrics...but i like the simple beat and there's something about being "above" and listening to that song at high volume that makes me feel....mellow...it's a cool song but you know they're gonna play it out just like they do every other song...

I saw a new episode of South Park last night...ok...that shit was crazy, It was crazy cuz I can't believe how they get away with so much. If anyone saw it, then you know what I mean. It's about the Schiavo case. Basically Kenny left a will and during the whole episode (up until the end) his lawyer couldn't find the last page which read: "If ever I am in a vegetative state or in a coma, and they have me on life support I ask you to please...." they couldn't find what comes after taht until the end after he's been broadcast all over the fucking country on a feeding tube, what he requested was : "please, please, don't ever show me on National Television like that."
This is exactly what they did to Terri Schiavo. She couldn't communicate at all but I'm almost certain she must have felt like shit and people were all on her dick (or so to speak) I mean c'mon people...leave her alone...really now!
See, and that's probably what nobody understood about SP, how "profound" that episode was...and most of the episodes that deal with current events are like that let me tell you....it's just that nobody notices it cuz they just watch it for the foul language.

Another thing, the singer/dancer Ciara, dike k she's a man...it's possible but improbable....I don't care, that bitch could dance. She may not be the nest singer, but that's not really what she's tryin to do so...she's good at being pop star...let's leave it that way and besides, unless I actually SEE HER DICK I am not going to believe that shit...not that I really care but...u know...

Anyways, that's enough for now...I gtg to class...unfortunately.


NahDeen said...

I iz sori!!!

cloklis said...

tu lo k ta e loca... y ma loca k tu hermana y creeme que eso es mucho decir!!!