
Where's my Angel?

No seriously, where's my Angel? This is probably the kid with the best sense of humor known to man. He was in Mrs. Simon's class with me in highschool...I swear to God, if it wasn't for him I would have never made it through that whole year in South Miami Senior High...dude, I miss you so freaking much it's not even funny. Angel was the only guy who actually got it...I mean, I'm always the weird one, the one to make jokes that nobody gets.. I would do this in class because it was so boring and in every class I would make remarks or pop-culture references and nobody would laugh, untill this one dude actually knew what I was talking about...Angel. See, I need this again...it was so much fun hanging out with this kid...I mean, I love to laugh, and boy could he get me going...I miss laughing like that, my stomach hurting, my eyes watering, and this was without even smoking or antyhing...it was just pure fun, pure laughter...I just wanna laugh like that again, you know? hahaha he used to do this awesome Pablo Francisco impression, hahaha oh man....sometimes I'm walking down the streets laughing by myself, and I'm sure people probably think I'm on crack, but in reality this is what I'm thinking about...Angel, where tha fuck are you?


NahDeen said...

hahaha eta pol poner un comment pone lo k sea =P

Jean said...

Si a nivel, Ilonka por poner un comment pone lo que sea.

Que barbara ella.


NahDeen said...

hahaha y tu por decir "Ilonka" ecribite eso jajajaja

NahDeen said...

anivel, I always liked that name, and Ivanka too...pero eso no e ruso o griego o algo asi, por alla por esos lares?