
I wanna fucking sing...

Have you ever wanted to get something out there like really bad? (who the fuck am I asking?) I mean I guess that's how artists feel most of the time....but the point is I feel like that...I really really want to sing that song Broken -by Bjork...I don't what it is but there's something that just makes me want to scream like that...to be honest, I don't even know if I want it to be heard, even though I highly doubt I'll be able to avoid that but, I don't really care, I don't want feedback, I just want to get it off my chest and I think that singing is the only way I can do this...I can just let everything out like that....why can't I just scream? I can scream just like that in public and I can sing, it's not hurting anybody so why don't I see anybody else doing it? is it the crowd thing? like when there's a big crowd and they're all clapping, I mean somebody have to had started the clap for everyone else to follow and go along with it....and if everyone does it then there's nothing wrong, but if nobody else would have followed that first clapper things would look different right?
you would think that this one clapper is fucking crazy or something....but he's not...he just started something no one else dared to follow...nevermind start.
So what if I started singing? just everytime I felt like it no matter where I am I start singing....
Right now I'm in a computer lab at the university campus.... there's about 6 people here, and there's a sign with all the rules on it. One of the rules is "no talking" but I don't see where it says "no singing" ...so should i do it? i don't know if I should....but I could...I know that much....I could....so why don't I?
is it common courtesy? u know, just so I don't bother other people...but they don't give a fuck when they talk on their cell phones even though they are breaking 2 of the rules stipulated on the dry erase board. I wouldn't be breaking any rules if I sang....so...let's see...no I won't I tried, I sang a little bit...but it was pretty low and I think only one person heard me but she didn't really notice...or seem to care....but I want to sing louder than that....instead what am I doing? I'm typing....and that's sad...


Delilah Tiamat Thuban said...

See Nads i loved reading that, although its august and the fact that i got to read this...today, tonight, whatever, its fucked up, i wish i had read it when u wrote it...
but its even more fucked up that the only one who answered was some "who fucking cares who that is?" named lewisprice3865476150 or whatever..
u know if i were u, i would have sang, but ure lucky ure not me i guess, cuz im just fucked up and a bit crazy, either way, its like u said there's no singing rules, so wtf?

i just wish no fuckers like this lewislottoprice#%#^&%^*^%#$ could post...they just ruin the moment, and i wished someone would have reply u saying something smart..
wishful thinking.

I talked to ur sister last night, damn! that was a blast from the past, ..hey remember snowdoll (hahahha yeah...i still believe she had no idea what that nick meant)my mom saw her at a beauty saloon, girl, she's getting fucking married! jajajaj ca u believe that??
i mean a girl who once liked "el topo" (hahah another nick ah? yet i do know he KNOWS what that one meant!!), anyway,..im just shocked how everyone's getting married and im still falling in love with movie stars hahahahahah, how fucking pathetic is that??

Natalia got married,and I think her little sis as well, or will be, im just shocked cuz they're even younger than me!...
and then Sarah, who has a baby!!!!
and i believe got married as well, Milagros (the twin set, and i aint talking about a bed) got married, ....everyone...just everyone..
ARIELLE!!! ull be in shock, but she got married, and shes a really happy wife, living in Noruega, and yeahh just like she predicted, blond, rich and hot..
see that made me really happy, to know a friend of mine, got exactly what she wanted..
gives me some kinf of hope, not about marriage, but about life.

its like u have always said: there's nothing so bad u cant laugh at.

I just love u my friend and i miss u like hell, there's so much i can talk u about, that i cant say to others and even if i could i wouldnt, things are getting so superficial around "old friends"...they're there, yet not.

ciao Nads.


Delilah Tiamat Thuban said...

in the words of fiona "I know"..but honey just like Ladyday (Billie Holiday) sang so beautifuly I'll be seeing you ..in all familiar places.

Even if it means in my memory.

Love you my friend.
