How in your opinion are we to prevent war?
Already I have comprehended a light which never will filter into the dogma of any national church: namely, that one of Christ’s essential commands was: Passivity at any price! Suffer dishonour and disgrace, but never resort to arms. Be bullied, be outraged, be killed; but do not kill . . . Thus you see how pure Christianity will not fit in with pure patriotism.
- from Three Guineas
"A change is gonna come"
I wish I could just forget everything and from now on, just live "in music" if that's even possible. Would I miss anything? Past experiences, where would they go? How could I miss something I don't remember? Would it be possible to feel nostalgic...at all?
"Music" (Leela James)
Somebody play on the guitar strings
Makes me think of my favorite songs
Reminds me of when I heard Aretha sang
Gladys, Tina, and Chaka Khan
Can't go back to yesterday
Can we just put the thongs away
And fall back in love with music
Nothin' but the music
Everybody knows that Marvin's gone
Still I gotta tell you what's going on
Said the music’s gone
Where'd the soul go?
It's all about the video
We don't sang no mo'
Where's the music gone?
Where'd the music go?
It's all just for the dough
It ain't songs no mo'
Where's the music gone?
Still hear Donny playin' them keys
Sangin' one day we'll all be free
Can't even turn on my radio
Somebody hollerin' bout a bitch or a hoe
Right now I'm missing music
Back porch, down-home music
El Viejo i-erre-se
jejej ok
Sucede y viene al caso senioritas y senioritos (like anybody's actually reading, ok so if nobody's reading why am I still writing to them? "them"? who the fuck is "them" if there's nobody reading? or is there... wtf!!!) oh great...now i totally lost my train of thought...We'll get back to this when I'm not so fucked up... ok lo k paso fue k yo estaba muy aburria un dia y baje el IRC, entonce entre al canalsito ese dike #dominicanos y nah un reguero de privado tu sabe como e, pero yo me la coi de relajo hasta k vino un pana y me impresiono por su insistencia y tuve k guardar la conversacion, yo juraba k lo habia oido todo, todo tipo de muela en el irc pero este pana me dejo bokiabierta, wow... jajaja he aqui el copy paste del dialogo:
taicoto: y como eres?
LigiaElena: bien fea
taicoto: esa es una posibilidad
taicoto: que tan fea?
LigiaElena: jajaja wao....
taicoto: tu tienes derecho a ser fea.......no es un pecado ni nadie te va arechazar por eso.:)
LigiaElena: nunca habia oido esa
taicoto: si eres una buena persona por dentro, todo lo que debes de hacer es tratar de arreglarte lo mejro posible, para que seas un chin menos ea
LigiaElena: jajajajaja wao...tu me cae bien
taicoto: gracias
taicoto: lo que no debes de conformarte, siempre uno puede verse mejor
LigiaElena: hehehe bueno
LigiaElena: no ombe ya
LigiaElena: yo no vua jode ma
LigiaElena: me kede fea y ya
taicoto: hehehe
taicoto: tal vez no seas tan fea........
LigiaElena: bueh
LigiaElena: http://www.myspace.com/nahdeen
LigiaElena: eso lo dice tu mi pana
taicoto: bueno.......no te voy a decir que eres bonita, pero no estas taaaan triste como te pintas
LigiaElena: jajaja yo nama dije fea
LigiaElena: no e pa tanto
LigiaElena: yo no dije orrible
jajjajajajajajajaa k interessante...
-A friend of mine was found guilty on the charge of three murders. Which just goes to show that you never know when your gonna snap, I mean I always thought he was a little crazy but...wow...not like that, and I would have never anticipated ANYTHING even remotely close to what happened...he stabbed 4 people, three died. wtf?
-the band that sings that song "High Enough" is Damn Yankees, I've been thinking about that for a while... those damn yankees....
- look at the picture then read the beginning of the paragraph below it
but whatever you know, I get it, it's a movie - late '80s movie at that- Of course then at the end he gets his fake ass revenge, but none of this had to happen in the first place had he done what anybody would have done in that situation, Oh man, and what about the wife? what the fuck did she do in the whole fucking movie....nothing...
A good-laugh-your-fucking-ass-off movie though is "Everything you ever wanted to know about sex" with Gene Wilder and some sheep...anyways It's a Woody Allen flick and it's freakishly funny. Watch it. I dare thee. Or don't watch it, I also dare thee...
jajaja I leave u w/this motha fucka...
What 's your Fantasy?
... for every 10 guys in the world who have witnessed Jessica Simpson's hottness, 7 have experienced a dream or fantasy of some sort with the singer/actress ?
Well it's not yet affirmative (partly because I lied) but, even some women have these fantasies too...
In particular, mine is:
"Oh Jessica, please please please, I'm your biggest fan, please help me out here. I yell at her as I'm thrusting back for impulse.
V.I.P: Felicidades Pabo, Alan y Harold. Mifamz.
el verdadero significado de YUCA.
Ricardo Montaner...y dice asi...
Hoy, es 12 de abril y me duele la cabeza. Hace una hora me subí a éste aparato 757, que me lleva de cuidad desde México para Caracas, solo tengo 38 horas de vacaciones y las voy a aprovechar para ver a mi gente porque los extraño mucho. La mayoría de las personas piensan que esto es fácil y divertido... Yo mismo reconozco que cuando ingresé en el mundo mágico de la música, lo hice creyendo que era la mejor excusa para la diversión y el vivir bomba... Es divertido... pero no es sencillo aguantar...
El sábado pasado emprendimos una gira de conciertos en todo el territorio mexicano, además terminé anoche de colocar la voz a éste disco, que tuviste la osadía de comprar.
Son mas de 60 shows que daremos en México sin contar la gira centro y sur americana, además en el norte, ya firmamos la ronda de presentaciones para el mes de octubre.
Han pasado unos cuantos meses desde la última vez que les escribí, por mi vida van surgiendo experiencias y episodios que me ayudan a darme cuenta de lo importante que son los detalles, los momentos íntimos, el ir al super de compras, caminar por la principal de Las Mercedes, subir a la familia y a los perros a la camioneta y salir de fin de semana. El darse un beso a la luz de la luna, en una calle cualquiera de Caracas, en el coche... O simplemente competir a ser el mejor asador de parrilla con Alfredo, José y Rodolfo.
Ver como Ricardo Andrés me da sus primeras carcajadas en exclusiva y los primeros sustos también, cómo Alejandro y Héctor dejan de ser hijos y se convierten en mis hermanos y compinches con el correr del tiempo, como la flaca elige la combinación de ropa que me queda bien.
Las tonterías de todos los días, el jardín, el desorden, la comida casera, la vida de verdad... la familia.
Cuantas maravillas me dan Dios y la vida, que afortunado soy al tenerlos a ustedes, leyendo con atención ahora mismo, aplaudiéndome, sonriéndome y deseándome que siga adelante. Pero cuanto nos perdemos nosotros los navegantes...
Aprovechen amigos, vivan cada cosa tonta de la vida con intensidad absoluta, no se la pierdan, den gracias a dios por el super, y los perros, por el football y las camisas con el cuello arrugado... por todos los insignificantes días de la existencia.
Sudden Epiphanies
- El salami no sabe igual, antes yo me comia el preambulo del salami primero, ya fuera el mangu, tostones, o pure. Me lo comia juyendo pa poderme jartar el salami solito...u know, you always save the best for last, pero ya no me da ese deseo, y si me da no es el mismo gusto de antes....osea...el salami no sabe igual. Me killas Salami.
- Salad is boring (While watching a progresso soup commercial)
- Why do white people sport du-rags and grow dreadlocks... do they even know what they're for?
Oye cracker: you cannot -and never will- belong to the Irie Culture so stop begging for acceptance.
- To all those salsa haters out there (I do mean salsa the music genre, not the dip) I would love to see you try to keep that beat.
A couple of things to get off my chest...
I saw a new episode of South Park last night...ok...that shit was crazy, It was crazy cuz I can't believe how they get away with so much. If anyone saw it, then you know what I mean. It's about the Schiavo case. Basically Kenny left a will and during the whole episode (up until the end) his lawyer couldn't find the last page which read: "If ever I am in a vegetative state or in a coma, and they have me on life support I ask you to please...." they couldn't find what comes after taht until the end after he's been broadcast all over the fucking country on a feeding tube, what he requested was : "please, please, don't ever show me on National Television like that."
This is exactly what they did to Terri Schiavo. She couldn't communicate at all but I'm almost certain she must have felt like shit and people were all on her dick (or so to speak) I mean c'mon people...leave her alone...really now!
See, and that's probably what nobody understood about SP, how "profound" that episode was...and most of the episodes that deal with current events are like that let me tell you....it's just that nobody notices it cuz they just watch it for the foul language.
Another thing, the singer/dancer Ciara, dike k she's a man...it's possible but improbable....I don't care, that bitch could dance. She may not be the nest singer, but that's not really what she's tryin to do so...she's good at being pop star...let's leave it that way and besides, unless I actually SEE HER DICK I am not going to believe that shit...not that I really care but...u know...
Anyways, that's enough for now...I gtg to class...unfortunately.
T-shirt Hell
What follows is only an excerpt of the actual email newsletter thing he sent:
A List of People I Don't Like, and Some That I Do-------------------------------------------------------------
A lot of people who are not as good as me, accuse me of being arrogant.It's true I don't have much respect for most people, but I do respect a few.Here is a list of some of those people. For the people I don't respect, I've included some helpful hints on how to get their sorry lives back on track!
I'm tired of the Pope. Fuck you, and the Pope Mobile you rode in on. ThePope Mobile is a fucking Range Rover on chrome dubs you arrogant pimp;aren't you supposed to be feeding the children or something like that?Speaking of children, you might as well be President of NAMBLA you fuckingimpotent pervert. And you don't believe people should be allowed to haveabortions or use birth control? Make up your mind because you have to givethe people something. What are they supposed to do, have babies?There's no hope for you. Step down and let Al Sharpton be Pope. He wouldgive the Catholic Church serious street cred and whip it back into shape.Perhaps he would even merge it with the Nation of Islam. Those Nation of Islamguys would clear out all of the perverts in about ten minutes. After that,Pope Sharpton could let them all eat bacon again and I'm sure that wouldmellow those psychos out. Al Sharpton could fix the Catholic Church and TheNation of Islam all by himself.
Angelina Jolie you need to stop yapping about Third World countries and take your top off. Will someone please slide their thick cock between those full lips and shut her up already? Give back that dirty little foreign baby and devote your life to adult film.
The people fighting to keep Terri Schiavo alive need to find a hobby.Congress wants to pass laws to protect vegetables like her? I just hope theydon't pass any laws that cover my garden because I was hoping to have asalad for lunch. Congress needs to do something useful like pass moretax cuts for the rich, specifically rich people in the dirty t-shirtindustry.
Donald Trump needs to go away. It's popular to make fun of Donald Trump'shair, and wonder why he doesn't fix it. Because Donald Trump knows it's hisgiant pumpkin head that's the real problem. His smoking hot new wife can'tstand the sight of him. She will only let him take her from behind,provided he wears a bag over his head, they're at the bottom of a mineshaft, and she is provided with a welder's mask. Donald, take some of thatmoney you were going to use to put gold leaf under your wallpaper, and buyBrad Pitt's empty head, and put your brain in it. Your TV show sucks. Theonly good thing about it is that eventually all of the morons that you hirefrom this show, to help run your company, will drive it into the ground. I can't believe you fired the girl with the big tits.
Now on to the people I respect...
I respect Ricky Gervais who created and starred in, "The Office". Yes, itis kind of whorish to take money to help produce the steaming turd that isthe American version, but Ricky's a fucking genius and deserves to make somereal, American cash. I'm sure they paid him in quid, or crumpets, or someother shit for the British version and he deserves better.
I respect Jimmy Carter. Fuck you I do.
I respect Larry David, who admittedly has too much money to still beworking. But, "Curb Your Enthusiasm" is brilliant so please don't stop.I respect Al Roker who is not only an unsung comic genius; he also lostabout 300lbs with only minor medical assistance. Plus, he also predicts thefuture (weather) with uncanny accuracy and speaks to the dead. In your faceJohn Edwards!
I respect the Kirstie Alley/John Travolta creature. I know a lot of peoplestill don't believe they are the same person. They point to all of the,"Look Who's Talking" Movies. Well I saw "The Nutty Professor" and in onescene there were 6 Eddie Murphys sitting around the table so that doesn'tprove shit. This bloated he/she created by the Scientologists should havevanished back into the bowels of the Chrysler Building after, "Cheers". Butsomehow it keeps reinventing itself, most recently "playing" a washed upoverweight actress. I'm not a fan of the show, or even the concept, but thefact that you can get that show made deserves respect.
Holy ffing shiat. I have never, ever -in my relatively short life- seen ANYTHING like this. It's called the Stella Comedy Show and they are on tour right now all around the US. I'm guessing that if they came to Providence, they will go anywhere. Really. They started in NY in some popular Café of some sorts and now they are saying goodbye to it because Comedy Central just greenlighted their own half-hour tv show. Please, I encourage you to watch it, matter of fact, I DEMAND YOU TO WATCH IT! No seriously though, they ran a video preview of the tv show at the live show and it was awesome. I'm praying they'll keep it on the air, hence my imperative stipulation of the viewing of the show. People watch, ratings grow, I stay happy.
Although I must warn you, if you are not familiar with these comedians style, especially Michael Ian Black (whom's sense of humor is way too deep to understand at first impression....you'll get that later), you are in for a somewhat confusing surprise - or so to speak. Because it is not a sketch show like Dave Chappelle's or SNL even though it kinda seems like it is. It's crazy, weird, and strikingly fun. You'll laugh, you'll laugh, you'll laugh some more...and if you're like me you will keep laughing even though the show is over. In fact...I am laughing as we speak.
El Ser Humano es Raro
There's something in her eyes that she will not compromise and, she says there's no more space to grow.
She's got a lot of grace but, knows not how to embrace that...she feels that love is just a phase. She lives in a fairytale where everyone's so unwell but, she doesn't know if they can tell.
And she waits for the day where he'll take ... her away though she knows that it's just a waste
of time
But she'll laugh and she'll cry, watch her life pass her by - make mistakes and she'll fall along
the way.
free air
How So?
ne sais pas....k lo k le pasa a eto maldito alemane???? kien los entiende??? momentos verdes..killahs...
Hell Yeah
it's a directionless story and the dialog is lame,
but in the he said, she said, sometimes there's some poetry if you turn your back long enough and let it happen naturally...oh yeah...oh hell yeah...
I got a face like a limp handshake
hair like an accident scene.
I've been waking up slowly savoring the same ol' dream
and somewhere in between the folds of your memory I was sleeping...soundly...
Oh yeah, Oh hell yeah...
Cuz' I like you, but I know you don't know it
I like you so much I talk to everyone but you...
And I wonder what you would think of, this little number
Yeah I wonder what you would say if you knew...
If you don't ask the right questions, every answer feels wrong, I was a terrible waitress so I started to write songs, and I don't know how I feel but I wonder if you feel like me; do you ever get wrapped up in the folds of my memory?
Oh yeah, Oh Hell Yeah...
We can get Right...y baina...
Fefita....I think...
Where's my Angel?
Flat foots!
I mean ..."All set"? who the fuck says all set?
So that was the highlight of my day...how bout yours?