Como algunos ya sabran, estoy haciendo un "serrucho" para ir a Sto Dgo d Dic 12 hasta el 22. Se les agradece lo q puedan cooperar (aunque sea el precio de una jumbo q en realidad no se cuanto cuesta ahora mismo jeje)
***Dejenme aclarar, pq ya me han preguntado mucho, cuando hablo d cooperacion hablo de PESOS DOMINICANOS, no dolares***
Mi mami me ha prestado su cuenta en el banco popular para ahí poder reunir los fondos. La cuenta esta a nombre d Antonia Montisano #754709251. Lo unico q les pido es q lo depositen tan pronto puedan ya q esta es la epoca en la q los vuelos suben d precio con rapidez.
No es relajo, sinceramente quiero ir a visitar a todos mis amigos y mi familia q tengo años sin ver pero lamentablemente no me tocan vacaciones pagas, por ende tendre q costearme unos cuantos dias fuera del trabajo.
Un abrazo y Besos mis amoresesesesessssssssss, ailobiumakeldiablo!!! Msg me si tienen preguntas.
Riddle me this: what the hell constitutes "common sense" or "general knowledge" in this country? How can time management or critical thinking be part of a class or a whole 4 CREDIT COURSE at an "Ivy League" university? Shouldn't u know this shyt by now if you're in college? dike MBA (master's in business administration) u should kill yourself if u had to go to school
So it turns out that the sniper from DC was never debriefed or put in treatment although he was diagnosed with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) after returning from the war in Saudi Arabia. NOT ONLY THAT but the army allowed him to take home his M-16 with which he threatened his wife on various occasions. The wife went to the police several times to notify them of domestic abuse but because there was no physical evidence they said they could not take action, in other words, they couldn't help her.
Ok, let's get this straight now; the government creates these monstrous killing machines and releases them out to the streets only to later wonder WHY THESE PEOPLE GO OUT ON SHOOTING RAMPAGES.
Ok, let's get this straight now; the government creates these monstrous killing machines and releases them out to the streets only to later wonder WHY THESE PEOPLE GO OUT ON SHOOTING RAMPAGES.
it was a simpler time...
"...A long time ago... before gays were all up in your face about it..." so starts the FamGuy version of Starwars "Something, something something... Darkside"... this has inspired me... So, since gays get to have their own parade and get to say "We're here, we're queer..." and all that good stuff... I'm about to start a movement, for the first STRAIGHT DAY PRIDE PARADE. We'll start by wearing t-shirts that say: "IM STRAIGHT, DONT HATE". who's with me bitches?!
u know what really grinds my gears?
Why is it always the rich kids who try to act all bohemian n' shyt? it's like Andy Warhol all over again...over-fcking-rated. If u don't want your trust fund $$ I'll b glad to take it. While you're trynna be "unique" and disobey mommy & daddy to prove you're a "rebel" u lil punk-ass bitch, I can name about a million other sleeve-tattooed-junkies of below average intelligence doing the same in one borough alone.
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