
is it wrong???

why do I sometimes feel like I do what I do, because I owe it to someone, or because I the world owes me... is that ethically or morally wrong? who is even to say what is wrong with this, if anything?
is it rationalization or is it justification for my actions?



you know what's really cool... when you know the "other side" of a person that no one else knows about... and you know what's even better, when they bring out that side in you...

call it what you may


the highlight of my night

So I went to Roxy (that stupid ass night club) last night and I was so bored and annoyed I went to the bathroom when I didn't even have to pee... I just stood there in the stall basking in my glorious "jumo" -for lack of a better word- and when I came out my friend was waiting for me, and the lady that gives you paper towels when you wash your hands said she liked my earrings.. and me, not giving a fuck as usual, took 'em off and gave them to her... I didn't think it was a big deal, she didn't wanna take them from me, but I told her I had 2 pairs.. then she took them, but for some reason I guess she felt like she had to give me something... so he gave me a full pack of Eclipse gum... the kind I actually like =D
The End