
Cuba Critics Who Only See Sunspots by Elio Delgado Legon

Fidel has inspired me, I
I will FOREVER be a misfit in the U.S. I have never felt for communism or socialism to be anything but CORRECT. After 9 yrs, my disgust for capitalism and individualism has reached its limit. DOMINICANOS TOMEN EL EJEMPLO DE CUBA, LUCHEN POR LO SUYO COÑO Y ¡¡¡Q VIVA FIDEL!!! ONE RESPONSE TO “CUBA CRITICS WHO ONLY SEE SUNSPOTS” Moses says: July 25, 2012 at 7:38 am Elio, please explain why public works projects under construction in Havana take many years to complete, if ever. Could it be due to the high degree of theft of materials that takes place? Please explain why Cuban buildings less than 80 years old have deteriorated beyond repair, while many comparable European structures more than 300 years old are still functioning office buildings? Is it possibly due to the quality of materiels and the maintenance? Is the pace at which the hospital repairs adequate or are there fewer hospital beds avaible each year? In fact, has the Revolution completed even a single major public works project or a highway system or a railway system? Does even tiny Guanabo have a sewer system yet? What happened to the Olympic stadium? I could go on. Like many revolutionaries, you never let even the truth keep you from seeing the “bright side” of the revolution. A dead sun will continue to give light generations after it has died. The revolution is dead, you just don’t realize it yet. MY RESPONSE TO MOSES THAT FOR SOME REASON DID NTO GO THROUGH: Easy answer; the United States is to blame for all that... We supposedly have great hospitals here in the U.S. and yet people die everyday next to their Doctor's because none of them, unless they're Cuban, know what they're doing. I've gathered many examples of this and the ratio to people saved in Cuba overweighs the ones in the U.S.... It's disgusting how you kill yourself trying to pay for health services and get nothing but sure death after pain and torture caused by "medicine" that will supposedly make you "better"... But yeahhhhh the Hospitals here are beautiful! (sarcasm) I'd rather be operated laying flat on cardboard in Cuba by a Doctor who actually studied medicine in Cuba (not NYU or some other crappy University which teaches nothing but how to hand out prescriptions for shit you don't need and will kill you or drive you crazy) than be operated by an ignorant Doctor in an air conditioned hospital.



“The Gods Must Be Crazy” (Intro)

It looks like a paradise, but it is the most treacherous desert in the world: The Kalahari. After the short rainy season...
...there are many water holes, and even rivers. But after a few weeks, the water sinks away into the deep Kalahari sand.
The water holes dry and the rivers stop flowing. The grass fades to a beautiful blond colour ...that offers excellent grazing. But for the next nine months, there’ll be no water to drink. So most of the animals move away, leaving the blond grass uneaten.
Humans avoid the Kalahari like the plague because man must have water. So the beautiful landscapes are devoid of people.
Except for the little people of the Kalahari. Pretty, dainty, small and graceful, the Bushmen.
Where any other person would die of thirst in a few days, they live quite contentedly in this desert. They know where to dig for roots and bugs and tubers...and which berries and pods are good to eat.
Of course they know what to do about water. In the early morning, you can collect dewdrops...
...from leaves that were carefully laid out the previous evening. Or a plume of grass can be a reservoir.
If you have the know-how, a clump of twigs can tell you where to dig, and you come to light with an enormous tuber.
You scrape shavings off it with a stick that is split for a sharp edge. You take a handful of the shavings, point your thumb at your mouth and squeeze. They must be the most contented people in the world. They have no crime, no punishment, no violence, no laws...no police, judges, rulers or bosses. They believe that the gods put only good and useful things on the earth for them. In this world of theirs, nothing is bad or evil. Even a poisonous snake is not bad. You just have to keep away from the sharp end. Actually, a snake is very good. In fact, it's delicious. And the skin makes a fine pouch. They live in the vastness of the Kalahari in small family groups. One family of Bushmen might meet up with another once in a few years. But for the most part, they live in complete isolation...unaware there are other people in the world. In the deep Kalahari, there are Bushmen who have not heard of civilized man. Sometimes they hear a thundering sound when there are no clouds. They assume the gods have eaten too much and their tummies are rumbling. Sometimes they can even see the evidence of the Gods' flatulence. Their language has an idiosyncrasy of its own. It seems to consist mainly of clicking sounds. They're very gentle people.
They'll never punish a child or even speak harshly to it. So the kids are extremely well-behaved. Their games are cute and inventive. When the family needs meat...the hunter dips his arrow in a brew that acts as a tranquillizer. When he shoots a buck, it feels a sting and the arrow drops out. The buck runs away, but soon it gets drowsy...and it stops running. After a while, it goes to sleep. The hunter apologizes. He explains that his family needs the meat. The characteristic which really makes them different from all other races ...is that they have no sense of ownership at all. Where they live, there’s nothing you can own. Only trees and grass and animals. These Bushmen have never seen a stone or a rock in their lives. The hardest things they know are wood and bone. They live in a gentle world, where nothing is as hard as rock, steel or concrete.

Only 600 miles to the south, there’s a vast city. And here you find civilized man.
Civilized man refused to adapt himself to his environment. Instead he adapted his environment to suit him. So he built cities, roads, vehicles, machinery. And he put up power lines to run his labour-saving devices. But he didn't know when to stop. The more he improved his surroundings to make life easier...the more complicated he made it. Now his children are sentenced to 10 to 15 years of school, to learn how to survive in this complex and hazardous habitat. And civilized man, who refused to adapt to his surroundings... now finds he has to adapt and re-adapt every hour of the day to his self-created environment.
For instance, if it's Monday...and 7:30 comes up, you have to dis-adapt from your domestic surroundings ...and re-adapt yourself to an entirely different environment.
8:00 means everybody has to look busy.
10:30 means you can stop looking busy for 15 minutes. And then, you have to look busy again.
Your day is chopped into pieces. In each segment of time, you adapt to new circumstances. No wonder some people go off the rails a bit. In the Kalahari, it's always Tuesday, or Thursday if you like. Or Sunday. No clocks or calendars tell you to do this or that.
Lately, strange new things sometimes appeared in the sky. Noisy birds that flew without flapping their wings. One day, something fell from the sky. Xi had never seen anything like this in his life. It looked like water, but it was harder than anything else in the world.
He wondered why the gods had sent this thing down to the earth. It was the strangest and most beautiful thing they had ever seen.
They wondered why the gods had sent it to them. Pabo got his finger stuck in the thing and the children thought he was very funny.
Xi tried the thing out to cure thongs. It had the right shape and weight. It was also beautifully smooth and ideal for curing snakeskin.
And Pabo discovered you could make music on it. And every day they discovered a new use for the thing. It was harder and heavier and smoother than anything they'd ever known. It was the most useful thing the gods had ever given them. A real labour-saving device.
But the gods had been careless. They had sent only one. Now, for the first time, here was a thing that could not be shared ...because there was only one of it. Suddenly, everybody needed it most of the time. A thing they had never needed before became a necessity. And unfamiliar emotions began to stir. A feeling of wanting to own, of not wanting to share. Other new things came. Anger, jealousy, hate and violence. Xi was angry with the gods. He shouted, "Take back your thing! We don't want it! Look at the trouble it brought. "
The gods did not take it back. He shouted, "You must be crazy to send us this thing! Take it back!" Then he shouted, “Look out! Look out!"
But he spoke too late and the thing felled his daughter Dani. Xi carried the thing away from the shelter and buried it. That evening, there was no laughter and no chatter around the family fire. A strange feeling of shame had come over the family... and they were very quiet.
Xi said, "I have buried the thing. It will not make us unhappy again. "
That night, a hyena smelled the blood on the thing, and dug it up. A bad-tempered warthog chased the hyena away and it dropped the thing. The next day, Dani found it. Her brother Toma heard her playing on it and said, "Let me try. Let me try too. "
That night the family was very unhappy.
They began to talk about this thing. They did not have a name for it. They called it the "evil thing.” Gaboo said, "Perhaps the gods were absent-minded...when they dropped the evil thing on the earth. They've always sent only good things, like rain, trees, roots and berries to eat. We are their children and they love us. But now they've sent this evil thing. "
Xi said, "The thing does not belong on the earth. Tomorrow I will take it to the end of the earth and throw it off. "
Gobo said, "I think the end of the earth must be very far. I think you'll have to walk for 40 days. Perhaps (more).
"Xi said, “I will start walking tomorrow. "




Forjaste el camino hacia nuestra independencia,
por ti somos hoy libres, vivimos en un país soberano, pues tú;
como buen Dominicano (o ciudadano), para con tu pueblo,
nunca mostraste negligencia.

Es difícil compartir con esta audiencia,
el sentimiento de Patria que emanas.
Inspiraste almas lejanas, países cercanos,
vecinos y hermanos.

Hoy día tu ausencia es evidente, hemos ido perdiendo paulatinamente;
la solidaridad, el patriotismo, la integridad y valentía, tanto ya
que en nuestra sociedad, no existe la sabiduría,
carecemos de identidad y hermandad,
carecemos... de lo que nos unía.

¡Juan Pablo Duarte, cuánta falta nos haces!